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Writer's pictureDr. Park


Cause of infertility include excessive smoking, drinking, aspermia, ovulation disorder, premature menopause, various diseases, environmental factor, etc., and obesity can be one reason. There are various causes for male infertility, such as low sperm count, decline of sperm motility, sperm deformity, sperm chemical abnormality, sexual dysfunction, and many more leading to infertility, but the most leading cause is obesity.

Obesity, which is considered a disease with the fastest growing trend nowadays worldwide, stirs psychological sense of inferiority regarding appearance, asteosclerosis, hyperlipidemia, diabetes and other similar geriatric diseases, resulting in low libido, sexual dysfunction, as well as low decrease of body fat around the inguinal area, which lead to impotence.  Many women attempt to get pregnant but also try to maintain adequate body weight by dieting; men, on the other hand, although they are aware of danger in drinking and smoking, they are not aware that obesity can have influence in pregnancy.

Among overweight patients, every 10 kg of weight gain not only decrease chance of fertility by 10%, but also drops sperm quality, quantity, motility, and function inversely, according to a scientific data. According to Pennsylvania State University Research Team, “a research based on 87 male subjects aging from nineteen to forty-eight-year-old show high risk of infertility.” Obesity not only decreases testosterone levels, and decline in fertility not decreases chance of pregnancy, but it can also have impact on abortion rate while the women is pregnant. Therefore, precautionary awareness is necessary.

Let us explore the elements that can disrupt a successful pregnancy due to obesity:

First is hormonal change. Male hormones in adipose cells within the body change to female hormones, resulting in increase of female hormones and decrease in male hormone levels. There is low sexual drive and impotence in this case.

Second is improper habit. Obese men tend to dislike exercising, spend long time sitting down, place laptops on their lap, or take hot baths frequently, which increases temperature in the testicles – this decreases sperm quantity and disrupt motility.

Third, toxin that have negative effect on the body are mostly fat-soluble, thus they cannot be detoxed and rather accumulate in the body. The increase of toxin level affects the sperm.

Fourth is increase of frequency in sexual dysfunction. If there is poor result in sperm examination while obese, then the very first step to take is weight loss.

Drinking alcohol and coffee drop pregnancy rates, and consumption of red meat in men also showed noticeable decrease in implantation. On the other hand, men who eat wheat, oat, barley, and similar grains have improved sperm concentration and activity compared to those who do not. Fruit consumption also show increase in sperm activity. Particular vitamins, minerals, amino acids found in grains and fruits are beneficial for improving sperm quality, while excessive drinking of alcohol and eating process food with added hormones are harmful.

Women have monthly menstrual cycle, however, regeneration of sperm takes about three months. Cut back on alcohol, meat, and coffee for a successful pregnancy, and take more grains and fruits more frequently. The clinic provides Inbody examination for body water and and fat analysis, as well as consultation and treatment from the acupuncturist so that all men and women can maintain healthy body weight as well as a successful pregnancy.

Published by KoreaTimes under <Health Column> on February 26, 2013.


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